Dogs use their behaviors to express their emotions. Have you ever wondered “Why does my dog lay on me?”.
Most of the time, it’s quite natural for dogs lying on their owners. It’s the way of expressing their love and wanting to protect you.
Your pets will probably want to share your personal space very frequently.
But is it good or bad? Let’s study this behavior!
Why Does My Dog Lay On Me?

Generally speaking, it’s completely common for dogs to lay on their owners as a sign of expressing their love. They also need physical contact because they want to feel loved from you.
In order to get you to pat them or rub their bellies, dogs will frequently nuzzle you with their noses while lying on you.
If you’ve ever wondered why your dog loves laying on you, here are some main reasons why your four-legged pal lays on you.
Comfort and love expression
Seeking comfort, warmth, and safety is the most common reason why your dog enjoys laying on you.
You may notice that your furry friend rubs his head against you for cuddling when you are on the bed or sofa. A dog is simply looking for a warm and comfortable place. Beides, the dog also wants to increase the bonding of him with his owner.
Furthermore, dogs consider their owners as members of their pack. They feel safer and more secure when they are with their owners.

Reinforce the behavior
Dogs may develop new behaviors by reinforcing existing ones. You may have reinforced some habits without even noticing it.
When your pet is laying on you or sleeping next to you, it’s normal for you to pet your dog’s head or rub his belly. However, for your furry friend, these activities mean a signal that you will reward him for laying on you.
Separation anxiety
Another reason your dog may lay on you is that he is stressed or suffering from an anxiety problem.
This might be the result of you leaving your dogs home alone. Once you return, they may be overly excited to see you and lay down on you and lick your face as a sign of their excitement.
However, some dogs are subjected to trauma that causes tension, anxiety, and even aggressive outbursts. If your dog lays on you with signs of anxiety, take him to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
Dogs are extremely loyal animals. They always protect their owners in all dangerous situations based on instinct to protect the leader in their swarm.
So, if a dog perceives a threat, he will frequently lay on top of his owner.
Your little dog may want you to protect you from strange loud noises, thunder, and fireworks that frighten him. Sometimes you will find your dog shivering with fear. What you need to do is calm him down.
Besides laying on you, your dog can sleeps next to you to feel safe.
Other reasons
Besides previous main explanations for why does my dog lay on me, there are still other reasons out there, such as:
- Detect your illness, sadness, or anxiety
- Express initiation and respect
- Get jealous of other pets
- Regulate body temperature
- Look for attention
Why Is It Good?

When your dog usually lays on top of you or next to you, this will:
- Keep you warm
- Boost your sense of security
- Reduce loneliness
- Enhance your sleep quality
- Lower your blood pressure
- Reduce your levels of stress and despair
- Promote brain waves
- Ease insomnia
- Promote a healthy heart
- Strengthen bonds making dog training easier
Why Is It Bad?
While a dog laying on you show good signals and provides a lot of benefits, there are still some bad cases as below:
- Your dog may show resource aggression
- Your dog is dirty
- Ruin furniture at home
- Your dog licks you too much
- Hip problems
- Back problems
Final Thought
So, we’ve answered your question “Why does my dog lay on me?”
Dogs are intelligent animals. They can show emotions or thoughts through behavior or actions with their owners, such as lay on you.
But, still careful to avoid some negatives from this action!